Activities for Seniors

The Seniors Activities Program offers social and health related activities in a group setting and includes a weekly hot lunch meal for people living independently in the Arrowtarian Rotary Villas.

What’s Happening

Bridge is on Monday 1-4pm it has a $2.50 cost at the Senior’s Clubhouse

Seniors Coffee: Wednesday 10-11am it has a $2 cost at the Senior’s Clubhouse

Drop in Bingo: The Legion Hall Doors open at 6:00pm Thursday, early-bird games start at 6:30pm

Indoor Walking (Winter) is available from 8am-3pm at the arena in the auditorium Monday, Wednesday and Friday, unless previously booked or the weather is good, please ask arena staff.

Tamara Cann - Seniors Activities Coordinator

Arrow and Slocan Lakes Community Services
205 – 6th Avenue, NW
PO Box 100, Nakusp, BC  V0G 1R0

Phone:  250-265-3674 ext. 901*

*only in office one day per week, messages will not be checked often. Email is checked more frequently.



Tamara is working on additional events and programs for seniors.
Please join the Facebook Group
to stay up to date.