Hello dear friends of Hospice,
I would like to personally invite you to a community presentation on Advanced Care Planning, next Sunday, November 26th, 3:30 pm, at the Nakusp Seniors Centre.
Dr. Trevor Janz will be gracing us with his presence and wealth of experience to facilitate this conversation.
Described as offering care "with heart", Dr. Trevor Janz is a family doctor who has practiced emergency and long term care medicine in Nelson, BC for 30 years. He works as regional medical director for long term care, palliative and end-of-life care, and MAID in Interior Health East. He is the chair of the regional clinical ethics committee, and serves as a palliative care instructor in the Pallium LEAP course.
This event is FREE, open to the public and is one you don't want to miss. Please tell your friends, bring your loved ones and spread the word. Snacks, coffee and tea will be provided.
Please reply to me to RSVP
Hope to see you there..
With warmth,
Christa Rebman
Program Coordinator
Nakusp Hospice Society