Are You Thriving
or Surviving, Struggling or in Crisis?
What is Toxic Masculinity?
Toxic Masculinity is not about male bashing or blaming men for the world’s troubles. Toxic Masculinity is a toxic energy that lays within every person, family, faith and creed in our world.
Toxic Masculinity is a socially constructed expectation of masculinity as inherently violent, unemotional, and sexually irrepressible. It is the idea that masculinity is in danger because of powerful femininity. Another aspect of Toxic Masculinity is the idea that masculinity needs to reaffirm itself through language, economics, religion, culture and other means, by belittling women, families, visible minorities and others based upon their sexual orientation in rough and subtle ways.
It is called Masculinity only because for hundreds of years the traditional roles in Society were dictated and upheld by men in positions of power. It is important to note that everyone in our civilization can be effected and perpetuate Toxic Masculinity and its traits. These traits are not helpful to us in this society anymore. It is Global in its spread and therefore we as a society need to know what it is, how to recognize it, and on an individual level, stop the behaviour before it causes horrible troubles for us all.