Men’s outreach

“20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”
Mark Twain

You are not alone my friend. It is an interesting world.

Many people think that the opposite of success is failure. But did you know that isn’t true? Why? Because failure is learning and learning + experience = wisdom.

The opposite of success is mediocrity. The apathy toward anything moving forward.

Men’s Outreach is for any male from 16+ who needs, coaching, counselling, therapy or help. This program is completely confidential and assists with anger management and counselling, referral services as well as other supportive services.

You can reach out now and start the conversation:
(250)265-3674 ext 226

What is Consent?

Consent is an enthusiastic and freely given “YES” to sexual activity.

It is:

Freely Given - Deciding willingly and given voluntarily without coercion, force, threats, or intimidation. Consent is not valid if a person is made to feel guilty, fearful, is impaired by drugs and alcohol, unconscious or otherwise incapable of giving consent. (under mental or physical distress)

Revocable - Ongoing throughout a sexual encounter and can be revoked at any time. Once it is revoked (taken back), the other person must stop. It is not a contract and you still need to check in with the other person if they still agree.

Specific - Consent to some form of sexual activity does not imply consent to other forms of sexual activity. Consent to sexual activity on one occasion is not consent to engage in sexual activity on another occasion. This applies even in the context of a relationship.

Yes Means Yes - It is not consent if the person is implying “no” by making excuses. (EG: “I’m tired”) or their body language says no (EG: moving away, pretending to be asleep, freezing up or becoming silent.) “Maybe”, “I’m not sure”, and “How about later”, are not YES!

Mutual - Everyone involved deciding together to do the same thing at the same time, in the same way with each other. Everyone understands exactly what and how much are agreed upon.

The responsibility for consent rests on the person initiating each sexual activity.


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to find the program that is right for you.
Simply click the button below
and let’s start the conversation.


What Does Violence Look Like?

What Does Equality Look Like?

You are not alone, there are people who can help.



BC Crisis Centre: 1.800.784.2433
VictimLink: 1.800.563.0808
Trans Lifeline: 1.877.330.6366
Kids Help Phone: 1.800.668.6868